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Growing Your Bakery Business in 2023

<Contributed Post> As the world slowly emerged from the pandemic, many businesses saw a surge in growth – including the UK’s new businesses. In fact, 2021 saw a 14% increase in new businesses despite the pandemic. In the last year, the UK has finally started to move past the pandemic, and its impact on the economy has come to light. With inflation and the cost of living rising, it’s important to take steps to grow your business and keep money flowing.

So, if you’re looking to start your own bakery business this year or grow your existing one, then there are some key things to consider. Here are our top tips for growing your bakery business in 2023.


The best way to stand out among the competition is to offer something different – and that’s where innovation comes in. Whether it’s a unique flavour of cupcakes or a new type of bread, offering something fresh and exciting will draw people’s attention and keep them coming back for more. If you’re stuck for inspiration, try experimenting with flavours or updating traditional recipes with a modern twist.

Marketing: Social Media, Website & Offline

One of the most important parts of running any business is marketing – and this doesn’t change when it comes to bakeries. Make sure you have an up-to-date website as well as active social media accounts so customers can find out about your products easily. You can also use banners around town or postcards through letterboxes to spread awareness of your business locally – just make sure they include contact details like your website URL and social media handles.

Integrate with Online Delivery

As people become increasingly reliant on online delivery services, integrating with one of these platforms can help reach more people who may not be able to visit your shop in person. While this means paying a fee for each order placed through their platform, it also opens up opportunities for repeat customers, too, as they may come back time and again if they enjoy what they ordered the first time around. 

Don’t Underestimate Yourself

Finally, don’t underestimate yourself. Every baker has something unique to offer – whether it’s creative recipes, stunning designs or excellent customer service – so don’t be afraid to show off what makes you special. Even if you feel like you’re starting from scratch with no experience whatsoever, remember that everyone starts somewhere.

Growing a successful bakery business takes hard work and dedication, but it is possible. By staying inspired with innovative ideas and utilising effective marketing techniques both online and offline (including banners), you can bring more customers into your shop or onto delivery platforms – just remember not to undersell yourself, either. With these tips in mind, we wish you luck in making 2023 a successful year for your bakery business.

Title Image – Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov:


BakingBar was launched in 2010 to provide simple and straightforward baking guides and recipes. BakingBar are currently recipe developers for Neills Flour and MyProtein.